All Designs

A Midsummer Night’s Fairy


Behold! ‘Tis but a fair wood sprite perched upon a mossy branch in the misty gloaming of a midsummer’s eve! From her periwinkle crown to her sweeping purple satin hem to the iridescent span of her swallow-tailed wings, she’s scarce bigger than a lightening bug. But lest she fool you by her tiny size, remember well her magical powers. Save the stitching of her enchanted glowing wand for last, then watch as she casts her mystical spell over all who pass close by.

Required materials
Stitched on 32 count Stony Point linen from Wichelt Imports. Design area is 10 ¸" x 17 ¹" with a stitch count of 168 x 273.
Beads and specialty materials needed
Beads by Mill Hill
00479 - Glass Seed Bead
02015 - Glass Seed Bead
02016 - Glass Seed Bead
03037 - Antique Glass Bead
03055 - Antique Glass Bead
42011 - Petite Glass Bead
13007 - Crystal Treasure
Kreinik Metallic Threads

Millennium Angel


Poised before an arbor of greenery and robed in graceful swaths of coolest pewter satin, Mirabilia’s Millennium Angel is the beautiful way to herald in the coming 21st Century. Tiny seed pearls adorn her halo, her outstretched wings glisten with touches of gold, and she bears a bouquet of full-blown pink roses, symbols of hope and goodwill. Our wish is that, in creating her, you will share in her spirit of tranquillity and that, once finished, her peaceful gaze will bless your home from within as the modern world without moves into an increasingly fast-paced age.

Stitched on Zweigart 32 count Belfast Misty Blue linen. Alternate fabric is 32 count Antique Blue linen from Wichelt Imports.
Design area is 10 1/4" x 11 1/2" with a stitch count of 162 x 182.
Beads and specialty materials needed
Beads by Mill Hill
00479 glass seed bead
02016 glass seed bead
42011 petite glass bead

1996 Holiday Cherub


Dear Stitcher,   Thank you for the wonderful support and encouragement you’ve given me throughout the year. I realize that without you I would not be able to pursue my art and for this I am so very grateful. Happy Stitching!

Fairy Tales


Once upon a time, in a field strewn with magical flower petals, a doting mother read a bedtime tale to her very littlest angel. A gentle breeze rustled her lacy gown, the golden child smiled, and they lived happily ever after.

Stitched on 32 count Spun Silver linen by Wichelt Imports (2 over 2 ).
Design area is 10 (1/2) x 12 (4/5) inches with a stitch count of 168 x 204.
Beads and specialty materials needed
Beads by Mill Hill
40123 - Petite Bead
40252 - Petite Bead
42017 - Petite Bead
42024 - Petite Bead
Rainbow Gallery Threads
Nordic Gold ND3

Deco Spirits


If you’ve come to expect anything from Nora Corbett, it’s the unusual and unexpected, and her new “Deco Spirits” continues that tradition. Inspired by art deco architecture, the four spirits represent the elements of earth, fire, water, and air. Each features muted metallics in shades of seafoam, periwinkle, gold, and aubergine. Because they can be stitched and framed together or individually, “Deco Spirits” is the perfect choice for beginners or advanced stitchers, or anyone who appreciates a fresh, innovative design.

Stitched on 32 count White linen by Wichelt Imports (2 over 2).
If stitched as shown, design area is 11 (1/4) x 13 (1/2) inches with a stitch count of 177 x 215. If panels are stitched, each has a design area of 4 (4/5) x 6 inches. Stitch count is 77 x 96.
Beads and specialty materials needed
Kreinik Metallic Threads
9294 fine braid
014 fine braid
014 Balger blending filament.
DMC Metallic Threads
284Z Gold

Stone Roses


Green ivy protectively encircles an angel turned to stone centuries ago, as she in turn stands guard over an enchanted garden, a pale pink sash forever fluttering at her waist. The drapery borders at her feet create a sampler effect, complete with mother-of-pearl buttons and fine white ribbon.

Stitched on 32 count White linen by Wichelt Imports (2 over 2 ).
Design area is 9 (1/2) x 23 (1/2) inches. Stitch count is 150 x 375.
Beads and specialty materials needed.
Beads by Mill Hill:
02015 - Glass Seed Bead
Mill Hill Crystal Treasures:
Caron Waterlillies:
317 for backstitch
Mother of Pearl Buttons (2)-3/4"size
fine White Ribbon (4mm)-1&1/2 yds.

The Baby Boat


One tiny sister sleeps, another knits, and the third scatters pale pink rose petals on the glistening water as they drift lazily by in a rose-draped, swan-shaped boat. Their fuzzy hats and collars, innocent pastels and sparkling crystals make them an utterly charming trio. But will they be home in time for tea?

Stitched on 32 count White linen by Wichelt Imports (2 over 2 ).
Design area is 13 (1/2) x 14 (1/2) inches. Stitch count is 217 x 229.
Beads and specialty materials needed
Beads by Mill Hill
02017 - Glass Seed Bead
02026 - Glass Seed Bead
40479 - Petite Bead
42024 - Petite Bead
42029 - Petite Bead
Mil Hill Crystal Treasures
Rainbow Gallery Thread
Wisper White

Winter Queen


Regal in pale periwinkle blue satin against a serene white background, this cool beauty’s upswept hair is adorned with purple violets beneath a beaded coronet. Whisper-white ermine trims her elegantly draped gown, and strands of blue beads lend an opulent touch to her hem. If you find beauty in a clear, quiet, blue-skied January day, you’ll love our Winter Queen.

Stitched on 32 count White Linen by Wichelt Imports (2 over 2 ).
Design area is 11 (1/4) x 17 (3/4). Stitch count is 179 x 282.
Beads and specialty materials needed
Kreinik Metallic Thread
Mill Hill Beads
00146 Glass Seed Bead
02026 Glass Seed Bead
40479 Petite Glass Bead
42010 Petite Glass Bead
Rainbow Gallery Thread
Wisper White