
A legendary holiday spirit is stitched in the merriest shades of red and gold. His Nordic mittens hold sparkling gifts wrapped in shiny bows. Gold brocade adorns his jolly coat and his beads glitter in the winter moonlight.
A legendary holiday spirit is stitched in the merriest shades of red and gold. His Nordic mittens hold sparkling gifts wrapped in shiny bows. Gold brocade adorns his jolly coat and his beads glitter in the winter moonlight.
Art nouveau ribbons mingle with the curls of steam from
a porcelain cup. A lovely lady in shades of deep cherry
is surrounded by amethyst roses. The blue light of the moon shines on her sweetly infused Earl Grey tea.
Who can resist a sweet apple and the bright logos on the crates? So happy and sunny and promising farm grown wholesome goodness. Our Golden Girl Apples are crisp and juicy with a touch of tart.
I love Mill Hill Crystal Treasures and beads nestled
between silky stitches on cross-stitch handwork.
It seems to me that they could have been harvested by mermaids in deep sea gardens and then sold to
merchants traveling the abyss.
This design is named for my favorite movie icon.
I am so inspired with the fearless,
beautiful way she lived her life.
She swam with sharks and took wild road trips
and truly lived. Please meet Elizabeth.
This design is midnight velvet, white star silk,
Hollywood glamour, glittering diamonds and brocade.
A timeless design of beauty and grace, please meet
Miss Lady Alexandra.
The September Sapphire Fairy captures a serene moment of a young fairy. She is inspired by beautiful prints and kimonos of the Far East and butterflies dance about her lovely silk brocade gown. She is a sweetheart that lingers in the amazement of her fluttery friends.
One of the most ruthless and cunning of the female pirates of the 16th Century.
This treasure of cross stitch is a symphone of fuschia, teal and lime. The pose is one of elegance and quiet contemplation. The simple flowing satin shows a subtle sheen and give this piece and Art Nouveau feel.
In celebration of another year bringing you Mirabilia cross stitch patterns, please accept our free gift to you. Merry Christmas with Love from Nora Corbett and Wichelt Imports!
Exuberant double blossom peonies create a purple haze at twilight. With names like “Cup of shining night”, “Story Enchantress” and “Red embroidered needles ball”, it is no wonder that the peony tree is the center of every spring imperial garden.
A pair of butteryfly-winged damsels oversee an early spring garden. The garden wears a gown of green and her overflowing urns are crowned with filigree gates and trellises, its lace made up of fresh sprouts and ribboned with perfectly trimmed boxwood. The jewels are the sparkling first flush of lavender, clover and lady’s slipper, the hem is made of mossy covered columns and the buttons are shiny stepping stones.